
Enjoy free and fresh beer at Jianguo Beer Factory / 到建國啤酒廠喝免費的新鮮啤酒

Got a chance to taste the upcoming product of Taiwan beer, weissbier, at a lecture.
在講座品嘗台灣啤酒的新產品 - 小麥啤酒。

This was the first time I drank beer at a lecture. I was lucky to sign up a lecture held by Urban Redevelopment Office Taipei City, "The First Pint of Beer in Taiwan - Jianguo Beer Factory", which was held at Jianguo Beer Factory (the so-called Taipei Brewery). The lecture was about the history of Jianguo Beer Factory. The lecture was about one hour, and the tour was another hour. They are both free.


In the tour after the lecture, I got to look around the inside of the factory to see the beer brewing process, guided by a senior employee of the factory and the factory's executive director Mr. Chao Ming-yuan.


It was not a tour that takes you to a museum. It really lets you look at their facilities.

In the tour inside the factory, their enthusiastic employees kelp pouring beer for everybody. They were treating us unfiltered beer, which tasted really fresh! My friend said he was a little drunk.


There were a lot of old pictures in the factory. It was quite interesting looking at pictures from old bottles and trademarks to the old buildings.


Pictures of the previous Taiwan Beer bottles.

This bottle was sold overseas. It says "China Beer" and has a plum tree and a Chinese ancient on it.
這一個包裝因為外銷國外所以包裝成「China Beer」,上頭還印有梅花和古人。

The welfare of the beer factory was good enough to have a kindergarten.

Jianguo Beer Factory was established under the Japanese colonial government and named "Takasago Beer Company". This was the registered trademark during that time.

This was the old trademark of Taiwan Beer. The "wan" (灣) was printed as simplified character to make it clearer due to the unadvanced printing technology.

The red brick building was built during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan.

The beautiful old building can be seen from a corner of the factory.
Jianguo Beer Factory runs a restaurant serves Taiwan Beer and stir-fried dishes in one of their factory building called "346". The name of "346" was originated from the extension of the factory's phone number. "346" was the extension of the factory building where the restaurant located in, while "347" and "348" were next to it.


There is a live band playing at 346 at weekends. The band plays random Taiwanese pop music. The restaurant is quite loud and has an atmosphere like typical stir-fried places in Taiwan. The restaurant serves vegetarian dishes too, but not many. The price of each dish is around 200 NT.


Visiting information / 參觀資訊:
  • Open hours: The factory's warehouse restaurant "346" opens from 17:30 till midnight. To visit the factory facilities and have free beer, a call for reservation is needed. 建國啤酒廠的346倉庫餐廳17:30開始營業到深夜。若要參觀酒廠內部和喝免費啤酒,需要事先預約。
  • Phone No.: (02) 2541-0082
  • Address: No. 85, Sec. 2, Bade Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei 台北市中正區八德路二段85號
  • Transportation: Taking MRT to Zhongxiao-Xinsheng Station (Exit 4), and walk past Guanghua Market towards Bade Rd. and turn right on Weishui Rd. The brewery is across Civic Blvd. (about five to eight minutes on foot) 搭捷運到忠孝新生站4號出口,往八德路步行經過光華商場後在渭水路右轉。(約5-10分鐘腳程)




最近在學盧森堡語。盧森堡語可以說是世界上最不實用的語言了吧,連我老公(盧森堡人)都勸我不要學。但學會後,就可以跟他的家人說盧森堡語了!一門語言是否值得學習,不在說的人口多少,而在說的人是誰。😉 以下是針對要考盧森堡語言檢定 A1~B1 等級的學習資源: E-LEARNING LUXEMBURGISH :學習盧森堡語首推這個網站,由 QuattroPole 與盧森堡大學合作開發的線上盧森堡語學習網站。文法講解很清楚,並有很豐富的影片和真人發音可聆聽。 LOD (Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire) :線上盧森堡語字典,可翻譯成德文、法文、英文、葡萄牙文,有真人發音。查單字必備! YouTube Channel: Luxembourgish with Anne :親愛的 Anne(笑)總是能用緩慢的速度清楚地解釋盧森堡語令人困惑的地方,超適合初學者。

在法國亞爾薩斯 (Alsace) 渡過週末 (一):科瑪 (Colmar)

因為老公工作的關係,我們從柏林開車 (八個小時!!) 到法國東部的亞爾薩斯 (Alsace) 大區渡過週末。 為了靠近要前往拍片的地點,我們在一個叫 Kingersheim 的小鎮找了間 Airbnb 。Airbnb 主人是一對很親切的法國夫婦,家裡有隻可愛的狗狗,房間和浴室都超舒適又溫暖。而且房間超便宜的,每晚才 28 歐元 ( 民宿連結傳送門 ,民宿主人只會說法文和義大利文哦!用我提供的 Airbnb 連結 註冊,可以拿到 30 歐元折扣。) 我們住的 Airbnb 房間窗景 Alsace 是個奇妙的地區,因為靠近德國,所以邊境一帶的城鎮名字都是德文,當地人的姓名也常常是德文姓氏、法文名字,一路上遇到的法國人也大多會說德語。 精緻小巧的聖誕市集小鎮科瑪 (Colmar) 我們首先造訪精緻小巧的聖誕市集小鎮科瑪,聽說這個城鎮是宮崎駿《霍爾的移動城堡》的靈感來源。當地除了以眾多古色古香的老房子聞名,聖誕節期間還有浪漫 但很擁擠,而且找不到停車位 的聖誕市集。 抵達時,我們已經太餓,剛好看到法國的國民麵包店 Paul 保羅麵包,就先去各自買了鹹派,然後我在那首次看見聖誕節限定的「小人麵包」(下面有照片)。Paul 雖然是平價麵包店,但品質很好,而且有上百年歷史哦! Paul 麵包店不是只有賣麵包,還有馬卡龍等點心。 我選的鹹派 麵包是法國人一天的開始呀 那棵聖誕樹有玄機,發現了嗎? 這就是上圖聖誕樹裝飾的小人麵包,只有聖誕節期間才吃的到喔!不過這個小人是在 Lidl 超市買的... 我們在 Paul 太匆忙了沒時間買 這是在 Super U 超市買的小人麵包,對比樓上的小人,這一個是不是做的太隨便了... 小人麵包在亞爾薩斯稱為 Manele (Männele)。小朋友會在聖誕節時收到這種麵包當禮物,這樣的習俗橫跨許多國家,包括法國和德國部分地區,在盧森堡特別流行,聖誕節期間盧森堡全國都看的到小人麵包的蹤影,盧森堡人則稱小人麵包為 Boxemännchen。小人麵包鬆鬆軟軟帶著甜味和奶油香,超好吃的。 我們在天黑人潮較少之後,才開始逛科瑪的聖誕市集,這樣才能慢慢欣賞美麗的聖誕裝飾和櫥窗。 ...


2/3 第一天 ,星期日       11:00 最有柏林文青氣息的 Boxhagener Platz 跳蚤市場,逛逛古董貨、吃吃路邊攤 Boxhagener Platz 跳蚤市場       13:00 Mauerpark 全柏林最大的跳蚤市場,繼續採購 沒有用的東西 、吃吃路邊攤    18:00 晚餐吃 CP 值超高的義大利餐廳  Pane e Vino                 這裡的披薩和義大利麵都好吃又便宜!                 有多便宜?每份義大利麵和披薩都是 3.90 歐元起跳,而且沒有偷工減料。              地址:Kastanienallee 2, 10435 Berlin 2/4  第二 天 ,星期一       09:00 到 Barcomi's Deli 吃早餐                 Barcomi's Deli 藏在很隱密的庭院裡,這裡的早餐有貝果、三明治和蛋糕等。                 帶朋友來了很多次,大家都很喜歡。              地址:Sophienstraße 21, 10178 Berlin       10:00 博物館島       14:00 午餐吃 Ishin (乙新壽司館) 或 Noodle Plus       15:30 布蘭登堡門     在柏林的象徵拍照證明到此一遊       16:00 德國國會大廈(需事先預約)     在著名的玻璃圓...