

目前顯示的是 9月, 2013的文章

Enjoy free and fresh beer at Jianguo Beer Factory / 到建國啤酒廠喝免費的新鮮啤酒

Got a chance to taste the upcoming product of Taiwan beer, weissbier, at a lecture. 在講座品嘗台灣啤酒的新產品 - 小麥啤酒。 This was the first time I drank beer at a lecture. I was lucky to sign up a lecture held by Urban Redevelopment Office Taipei City, "The First Pint of Beer in Taiwan - Jianguo Beer Factory", which was held at Jianguo Beer Factory (the so-called Taipei Brewery). The lecture was about the history of Jianguo Beer Factory. The lecture was about one hour, and the tour was another hour. They are both free. 我第一次聽演講的時候喝啤酒。如此幸運,是因為我參加了台北市都市更新處主辦的講座「台灣的第一杯啤酒-建國啤酒廠」,講座正是在建國啤酒廠舉辦,內容是關於建國啤酒廠的歷史。講座大約一小時,導覽也大約一小時,完全免費。 In the tour after the lecture, I got to look around the inside of the factory to see the beer brewing process, guided by a senior employee of the factory and the factory's executive director Mr. Chao Ming-yuan. 講座後的導覽參觀了建國啤酒廠內部,瞭解啤酒的釀造過程,這次導覽是由建國啤酒廠的資深員工和理事長趙銘圓帶領。 It was not a tour that takes you to a museum. It really lets you look at...