

目前顯示的是 7月, 2013的文章

Do you regard Taiwan as a democratic country? / 台灣是民主自由的國家嗎?

請問大家覺得台灣是民主自由的國家嗎? 「如果真的民主自由,為什麼我們的土地與環境正義會敗退地如此之 快?」 - melancholic sunshine: 第一次與集會遊行法的親密接觸!? 我們的歷史文化資產可以被任意拆除與破壞,且不需要任何合 理解釋? 面臨拆除危機的 南港瓶蓋工廠 是日治時期保存至今的工廠,並有大量世界級水準的塗鴉藝術,具有歷史意義與藝術價值。南港瓶蓋工廠目前由財政部國有財產署保管,拆遷期限(2013年8月30日)已公告確定。南港瓶蓋工廠屬於國有財產,即為人民的財產,政府不應因都市更新而擅自拆除文化遺跡,保護文化遺跡也是我們的責任。您可以關注和參與保存南港瓶蓋工廠相關活動,爭取機會保護我們的文化藝術資產: https://www.facebook.com/SaveNangangBottleCapFactory Do you regard Taiwan as a democratic country? If it is, how could Taiwanese government decide to demolish cultural and historical property owned by Taiwanese people without any reasonable explanation? Nangang Bottle Cap Factory is a historical factory preserved from Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. It has a lot of world class graffiti art and is meaningful for Taiwanese culture and history. It is currently owned by Ministry of Finance, National Property Administration of Taiwan and is scheduled to be demolished in the end of Aug, 2013. You can help to preserve this place by attending relevant events of savi...